Best Chrome Extensions 2019

Chrome browser is the world's most using browser. Extensions for chrome are very helpful sometimes. Well there are thousands of extensions in chrome web store, but don't you worry, we did the homework for you. We are going to suggest you eight best chrome extensions. Few are fun, few are useful, few are productive. But that's not the end we keep using hundreds of extensions daily for you and pick the best one. So more on the way.

Before we start, he's a video on the extensions demo if you incase you failed to follow how to use the extension or how the feel free extension works, see it if needed.

1. Picture-in-Picture

Well from the name it is self explanatory that it helps to get PIP option. It is very handy when you want to watch youtube videos but you have to work in another tab or want to browse something while watching a video. Once you start using it, it will be hard to use chrome without this extension later.

2. Panic Button

If you are like me and open lot of tabs and gets frustrated sometimes. Sometimes i close them all just to see a clean and fresh browser and regret closing since i don't remember what and all tabs i was using. Panic Button is the solution for guys like us. Just one click it will hide all the tabs and you can open a new tab and browse if you want. And when you want previous tabs click on the panic button extension again. Simple as that.

3. Tabby Cat

This isn't a productive extension but a funny one. It doesn't do much but give a new look when ever you open a new tab. Even when you change chrome theme new tabs are boring. Looks are important and of course who will stare at a new tab but when you open for a few seconds let it be good, right?
So tabby cat displays a new cat every time you open a new tab. That's it. Try this it gives a new look to the chrome browsing.

4. ColorZilla

If you are an artist, you work with lots of tools and lots of colours. Sometimes you see a colour or something and want to use the same shade in your work later. Then this extension comes handy. All you have to do is click on the extension and click on the colour you want to save. Done you can check all the colours you saved from history option. You will get the RGB colour code for the colours you saved, so that you can replicate the same.

5. HTTPS Everywhere

Security is important in the digital era. And when you browse, you visit many websites which many not the secured. To make sure the connection is secured you always have to check the URL should have HTTPS instead of HTTP. And when you have to visit some sites that aren't secured this extension comes helpful. It just makes the connection secured even if you visit a HTTP website by converting HTTPS. 

6. Wayback Machine

This is one of favourite extension. And I’m not going to delete it anytime soon. This is a crazy but sometimes you want to go back to the time. Well you now for websites with this extension. You can check, basically any website how it looked back in time. Google, Youtube...You name it. Just go to the site you want to see the previous version and click on the extension and then click on first version. You can later check how it looked like in a particular year by changing timeline bar above. Try it with your favourite website now.

7. Wikiwand

This is the coolest extension in the list. Who doesn't use wikipedia but the interface somewhat 90's. Well this extension is a magic tool that changes wiki interface whenever you visit. All you have to do is install it and you are good to go. You can always switch back to the original whenever you wanted without deleting the extension. The best part is it has also got dark mode. Well if you use wiki frequently you will love this extension.

8. Extensity

Last but not the least in the list. You may have other extensions installed in your browser and its a mess when you have to manage everything. Sometime we don’t even you use half of the extensions we installed. And it’s not an easy task to delete extensions. You need go to the chrome web store, type the name, click on it, select 'remove from chrome' option. It is a tedious task. Well Extensity is saviour here. You will see all the extensions installed once you click on it and by one click you can hide it from the messy chrome menu bar. When required you can click on it again, it will be visible again to use. It is very helpful in organising them, give it a try

So here is the list of Best Extensions for now. We come with updated list every time we find enough extensions to make a list.

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