How to remove date from Blogger URL post?

We get the date in the URL when ever we post something from the blogger. Unlike Wordpress we don't have a dedicated option to remove the date from it. But it isn't impossible too. Here is how you can remove it. Follow the steps mentioned in the article carefully so that you do the required successfully.

If in case you failed to follow any of the following steps, check the video below to help you out.

Open blogger, you can see lot of options in the left side slider. Clink on the 'Theme' option and click on 'Edit HTML'. Check the image above and below for references.

As soon as you click on the 'Edit HTML' you see lot of code we pasted earlier in blogger series to change the template of blogger. Now don't mess with any of the code. Check for <head> html tag. Check the image below for reference or follow the video in top.

Now paste the code given below, exactly below the <head> tag and save it.

Once you save it, it is done. Now When ever your post gets published it won't show the month and year any longer.

Disclaimer : The code given is to remove the month and year  that comes in the permalink attached by blogger by default.

The author and the blog are not to be held responsible if your blog or Website SEO gets affected by using this code. Use it at your own risk.

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