How to customise blogger template?

One thing all the blogger users complain about is limited theme options. Appearance is very important when you have to impress your blog audience. Well don’t worry if you don't like the themes available, we are going to guide you to change the template so that it looks like a website. If you fail to follow any of the following step, feel free to watch the video below.

It is not a rocket science to change the template. Like always google "Free blogger themes". You will find n number of results so take your time to check few sites until you find a template that suits your blog theme and your taste.

Few sites will sell the template and few will give it to you for free and of course you will have to give credit.

Whatever you chose you will have to download the template. As soon as you download you will find couple of files. You need to open the file with "XML" extension. Open it with notepad if you are a windows user or open it with textedit if you are mac user. Now copy the code, make sure you didn’t alter any of the code if you have no idea or coding background.

Now go to blogger and click on 'Theme' from the left side options. Click on 'Edit HTML' option. Now select the full code and delete it. Now paste the code you copied earlier. Click on 'save theme'.

That is it. You are good to go. Hard part is only you finding the required template. You can change the template by same procedure if you want to change in future. Happy trails.

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