Amazing FREE Mac Top Utilities You Must Download

So here is the list of free mac apps. Sometime apps makes our lives easier, but few we need to pay, few come at zero cost. For now let us see the free apps. And feel free to check the video below to see how the app works.

1. Amphetamine

Ever felt that you need an app that keeps your mac awake for you. Sometimes when you work you may want your mac not to go to sleep mode. And you keep moving the cursor infinite times. How long can you  do that? Imagine if it takes 2 hours, will you keep moving the cursor!! Well, Amphetamine is your saviour. It keeps you make alive for how much ever long you wanted. From 1 minute to infinite hours. This comes very handy you can't even guess when. Give it a try.

2. App Cleaner

One problem with MacBook is memory. Even saving a 100mb is helpful. So when you uninstall an app you think you saved memory but not completely. Yes even when you uninstall an app few files will be still on you mac consuming memory. App cleaner comes handy to deep uninstall apps. Well there are many apps many of them are paid, this is a free app again and does a decent job.

3. Bear 

Notes is one of the best mac apps ever built. But it is very basic and sometimes not so efficient. Bear comes in action when you are tired of notes. This is very helpful in customising you notes. You can make folders and sub folder. There is a paid option for more options but the free is enough for some decent job. Well the UI is easy and not so easy at the same time. Check the video for some basic tutorial how to use it.

4. Spectacle 

If you just migrated from Windows to Mac, don’t worry you are not alone. And one major feature you will miss is how to resize multiple windows on desktop at a time. Well you can create multiple desktops on mac and you can merge to two desktops for multi work but two is the limit. Spectacle is one app that gives the missing window feature on mac. This helps you to resize windows. You can use shortcut and create custom shortcuts too. Give it a try, this is also a free app.

5. Tick Tick

This is a task manager app. One of the best thing in this app is you can note down tasks or to-do lists without moving from the desktop you are working. Imagine you watching a video on youtube or editing something on premier pro, suddenly you remember something to do now you can make a note of it without leaving youtube or premier pro. This app gets a shortcut on menu bar all you have to do is click and enter you to-do/task press enter done. We have sticky notes on dashboard but you have to leave your work to write it down there and more over we may lose the dashboard in next version mac os update. Another great feature in this app is it has Pomo timer. If you want to do a work without distractions you can use pomo technique and this timer will boost your work.

6. Unsplash

This is a great app for stock images. This app is simple you can change your wallpaper from the app icon in the menu bar. You will get unlimited wallpapers you can change multiple wallpaper any minute of time you wanted. You can even download the wallpaper and use it if you wanted to use it in your website or something.

7. Vanilla

If you use huge number of apps on your mac, your menu bar on the top may get messed up. Well you can remove unwanted items but what if you have more on your menu bar and all are required. Vanilla will help you out to hide them all. With one click you can hide and unhide them. Makes your mac look more neater than before. There is also a paid version for more options but free one does the job for you.

So this is list for now. We will keep updating the app list for you. So keep a watch on our youtube channel.

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